Annual Barbecue & Social Evening June 2024 Report.

     This year's event was well attended with around 65 members enjoying a perfect summer's evening and the chance to catch up with old friends and to swap fishing yarns.  I would like to thank Colin Saunders, Brian Ansell, Terry Kempton, Alan Martin, Marc Duncan, Roy Evans and Robin Lane for coming down in the morning to help get everything set up.  Also, to everyone who stayed on afterwards to tidy up.  It really was most appreciated.

      Bruce and Barry Samber, from the Village Butchers, in Brockenhurst, did a sterling job cooking the barbecue, their sausages and burgers were beautiful.  Robin supplied some of the salads, some of which Maggie Harmer used to prepare the beetroot, and the potato salad.  Marc supplied some of his homemade chutneys and Denise Donaldson supplied the desserts.  Again, a big thank-you goes to all those who helped with serving the food.  Brian Ansell and Terry Kempton deserve special mention for manning the bar and washing up.  So do Alan Martin and Adrian Moody for organising and running the Tombola, which proved very popular.

      The opportunity was taken to make Ray Davies a long overdue Honorary Life Member.  Derek Smith, our president, was delighted to present Ray with his Honorary Life Membership certificate.  Without the vision Ray had over sixty years ago to build a clubhouse, and all his subsequent hard work in raising the necessary funds, we would not be in the fortunate position we are today.

      The evening finished with a magnificent draw organised by Robin, and I would like to thank all those who donated prizes to it.  In my opinion, it was one of the best social evenings that we have ever had.  I look forward to seeing everyone here again next year.

                                                                                                Alec Harmer,  Club Chairman.